Friday, June 4, 2010

Why Collect?

Most of the people I deal with (including myself) either are now or have been collectors. One question I hear which seems a little strange to a long-time collector is "How do I collect something". Not only is it a good question, it is one that most of us would have done well to ask ourselves many moons ago, before we found ourselves up to our ears in our collections.

Let's start with a pretty basic question. Why collect? If I don't already collect something why should I start? I think people are naturally collectors...some more so than others. Who among us did not collect something as a child? Maybe it was small stones, seashells, butterflies, coins, stamps, comics, etc. I think everyone should collect something. For one thing, if you travel with a collector it gives you something interesting to do while they search for the things they like. I got started for this very reason. I had some friends who loved to go to auctions and stop at antiques shops when they traveled. As they began to feel guilty dragging me to all these places all the time they said "you need to collect something". So I started to collect something and sure enough, the travels became more interesting.

What are other reasons you collect? As you learn about your collecting interest you begin to see where your items fit in time along with what was happening historically. It can literally make history come alive. As an engineer I am always curious about how things were made and what developments in craftsmanship or manufacturing made the item necessary and possible to make. Some people look at their collection as an investment. While it is possible for items you collect to increase in value over time you should certainly not count on this for your retirement or your children's education. It is better to collect because you like what you are collecting. Most people enjoy living with their collections. How you do so, of course, depends on what you collect (I'll cover that in my next blog).

If you have ideas on why people should collect something, please leave a comment.

Next time - What Should I Collect?

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